Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Irene means Peace, but this was a hurricane

Not peaceful at our house where trees on the power lines broke poles and then the live wires sparked little fires while NStar figured out where we were. They thought they had taken care of it. We hope to put the wires underground.
Dance is in a low spot while people regain their energy.
Maybe a trip out of town would do me good - Providence has good Salsa music.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Lori Martin's Pilates

We laugh as we work to the utmost, calling it 'good torture'
My abdominal muscles will hurt for 3 days now.
Then they will fire up automatically and support my every endeavor.
Better than the gimmicky "Yogilates on the Paddleboard" advertised with a flyer at the Osterville Fitness Studio.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ron's Teaching Style

Sardonic humility.
"Harbor no illusions!"
Having worked very hard to achieve a studied grace, Ron Gursky understands how to get students to find their best style, but he doesn't cater to us, making us feel good if our own self esteem is getting in the way of learning. "Let's face it," he says. "I'm here to fix your dancing."
If you want praise, go somewhere else, maybe a studio in Florida.
Ballroom is farther away from performance than ballet, but is not done alone with no one watching. We share our joy of the music, and can add to the experience.
Ron helps us temper the bit of arrogance needed to pull off our act.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Getting away

Studying dance with Ron Gursky gave some of us a different place to be yesterday.
I was completely absorbed in the International Rhumba with hip and ribcage action taken to a new degree of control.
A recent widow told me this was the way to be in another place.
And the Argentine Tango class continues to thank me for setting it all up

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Falmouth Harbor Fest?

We have to try it out. Several reggae bands and a beer garden - how bad can it be for free?
Bringing the three year old. If all else fails, she and I can dance.
*She hates loud music.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer Dance

I have been distracted by the presence of my lovely, active granddaughter and her baby brudder. We had a dance time for 5 minutes - her song, then my song, then she was on to something else.
This Sunday, Ron Gursky has the second of the Summer Argentine classes plus the private lessons. I get just one thing to think about for a month.
I love my Dance and Stretch ladies - we have a time scheduled for us to concentrate on ourselves - Sloane cannot interrupt!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Runners, dancers, bridal couple

Two parties at my house this weekend, not even Road Race related. Still, I carved out an hour for a friend's son and fiancee.
They will run the race today, but didn't move like runners who often are too light on their feet to make the necessary connection to the floor.
Always a pleasure to meet the wedding couples, young and in love, often coordinated.
I always explain that I understand why she might not want to give up control, BUT it's only for two minutes!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Nice Salsa class again
I found music I had called BASIC, and had someone throughout saying 1,2,3 - 5,6,7.
What I really like was how steady it was, not too creative.
Thanks guys, we'll take care of the creativity with our dancing.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

jimmy choo shoe

Yowzer! Were these nice shoes!
Cost more than her wedding dress. 4 inch heels but (she said) very comfortable, and she danced beautifully in them.
"Evita" is last season now, so they could be bought for less. I found them in black for (only) $750.
And comparable flat sandals cost the same.

Catching up

That half week at my mother's really took the stuffing out of me, but I am back at my usual energy in time for the family to all come at once.
I hear Mercury is in retrograde all this month.
So far, my cell phone stopped ringing, and the stereo systems at 2 out of three studio spaces weren't working right. Probably coincidence, but I do love that expression, "Mercury is in Retrograde!" spoken in an ominous and despairing tone.

Monday, August 8, 2011

My Tea Dance reviewed by me

Moderately well attended, the Sunday afternoon time worked well for some.
I did enjoy the different theme and made scones to go with the varieties of teas, Red Rose and herbal, all iced. Good4you teas provided samples of 'One Love' and 'Natural Mystic', non-caffeine blends gathered locally http://www.good4youherbaltea.com/
The lesson seemed well suited to several couples. Basics as usual in the beginning, and then towards the end, applying the basic of Onestep to spice up an otherwise slow Foxtrot doesn't work right away.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Jacob's Pillow

I was gone for a few days, visiting my parents in Stockbridge and cleaning various corners of their enormous house. I did make time to see the local dance festival and Nellie Raintree's company dance for free on an outdoor stage overlooking the tree covered mountainous land. They were skilled and funny, choosing a Xavier Cugat rumba to do a bit of dance clowning. Who dips whom when 2 guys dance together?
My mother thought it was worth it to bring my Alzheimer's ridden father along. He complimented my driving in my smooth little Prius with the entertaining console. "Wow! 99 miles to the gallon!"