Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I wish they would cut out the injury producing element of DWTS. I don't know how Melissa will be able to continue with a cracked rib.
At least our cowboy got to stay. His posture alone is worth his presence.
And I voted for Anna Demidova again. I saw her sister Katusha in Hyannis just after she and Jonathan Wilkins won the Ohio Star Ball.
I am pleased with our American pros, however, like Chelsie Hightower who is just flashy enough.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The big loss was Mary French, followed by the prestige of the studio as primarily a ballroom venue.
We cope with these things and count our blessings. After all, I still have a place in the building for my classes.
A smaller loss will be tonight on Dancing With the Stars. I don't want any of those charming, hardworking people to leave. One of them will lose, and the rest of us can feel the reverberations remembering the losses we suffered. I hope they leave out the icky red light and the Bottom Two.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Bride at Grumpy's

There we were listening to Fatwall Jack, great blues, quiet night, and in walk batches of tuxedos, then bridesmaids and finally the bride, Kate. The groom, Nathaniel, studied at WHOI.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ballroom Warm Up

I found a set of warm up exercises specifically for ballroom dancers, and tried them out on my class. What fun that my students decided they would have each other for support when rolling the ankles! Perfect! The activity gets a ballroom twist.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Class control

A central theme of teaching theory is classroom control, how to deal with a room full of students. Already taller than so many people, I prefer not to dominate.
My supervising professor for high school certification asked me, "Ellen, where is your ego?!" Apparently, not in controlling teenagers.
In teaching dance, I have found an investment for my ego. However, my blend of self confidence and modesty means I am open to listening, allowing people as much freedom as possible. It works a lot better with adults. Some still need to be reminded to concentrate.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I saw my 10 and a half month old granddaughter yesterday, just walking for 5 days now, but one foot toes in. We'll count on her Pilates instructor mother to keep that from being permanent.
I am very pleased with my Pilates experience with Lori Martin at Harmony in Mashpee. Her attention and knowledge about body alignment seems to have set my knees right after I had recurring pain for over a year.
And the Trader Joe's vitamins for hair skin and nails have cured my pie crust fingernails - great for gardening after 5 years of splits that couldn't be cleaned and had to be cut down.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Body function

By body function, you might guess I mean a euphemism for farting, like Steve-O on the dancing show. I would think that cost him some votes. (Can I even publish that word in a blog? Let's see if they block it.) The Rumba, epitome of romantic love, and he spoils it. Chemistry out of an 8th Grade Science Kit. So he's gone, and good riddance.
Meanwhile, I'm wondering why Cheryl isn't showcasing her star, giving him those too fast and even frantic routines. I think Len said hectic. Was that chemistry too much for her since he's married and father of small boy?
I read reviews, but maybe I should go on some fan websites.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm back

I let the blog just sit for so very long, I thought it would have disappeared, but a radio interviewer from WCAI called me looking for Glamorous Grammas, and that's me. (Maybe my interview will air soon.) She found my blog and liked it. The issues are not out of date, it seems.
As well, the time came for my website construction, and a blog link was de rigueur. I haven't face booked or twittered yet, but I am a gramma, after all. Our lovely baby girl is walking very early. A very busy little person, cheerful, smiley and bright. Her parents find the sleepless nights difficult, and now, a lead paint test has them scurrying around Brooklyn for a new place to live!
Huge transitions for me as well with the death of Mary French and the sale of the studio. My grief and depression are lifting with spring and the beginning of a resolution of my place within the new order.
I enjoy writing, so you'll hear from me again as I try to have a presence on the web.