Saturday, June 13, 2009

Alex Torres Salsa Band @ White's

Lavada Studley, music teacher at the junior high, my ballroom student, gave me flyers for the appearance of the Alex Torres Salsa Band, appearing at White's of Westport as a benefit for the New Bedford Public Schools, 7 to 11 last night. We figured if we got there at 9:00, we'd get plenty of dancing and not have to pay the full $25. Sure enough, we paid $10. The other price was was for parents whose kids got to play with the band in the opening numbers.
I wanted to see White's of Westport, and though it's almost an hour away, it's an easy ride on Rte 195, 5 minutes off exit 10, just past New Bedford.
Our room had a raised stage with an inset for the 11 piece band and the wings for dancing, spaces as big as most hotel dance floors. Not crowded, empty round tables. One Latina couple, a few other salsa dancers of some ability.
Good musicians, though they played fast and faster. Maybe the slow numbers were all used up on the collaboration with the kids?
Then I walked through the other rooms, and the one I'd heard of had a terrific long wood floor, three times the Sons of Italy, though it was all the way at the end of a huge room that seats 500, no tables on the sides of the floor.

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