Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Another season

Should have known DWTS started.  They wait two weeks after SYTYCD finishes.
I had noticed a bit of press, but not enough to penetrate. A facebook pal alerted me to what my DVR knew.
I wasn't expecting much - 13 contestants including Betsey Johnson, Tavis Smiley and Tommy Chong, but what a fun show again, still.
A train wreck dance can be entertaining. Usually, they protect the stars, but this time Betsey Johnson was determined. She had to have her feather boa! Afterwards her clownish makeup just added to the glorious debacle. And she made it through! A cartwheel and
a split at age 72 is worth at least one more week.
The South Africans lost. She, a hurdler just choked.  Hopefully they will keep the handsome black pro.
Some excellent dancing as well.  I'm still hooked.

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