Monday, August 17, 2015

A wedding in Maryland

My brother's step-daughter got married in Maryland Saturday. A plane to Philly and a three-hour drive with my sister Ann and her family brought me there pretty easily. Joe didn't go - hating airplanes, drives past NYC, and leaving Cape Cod in the summer, he stayed to keep his mother company - a good son.
I hardly met any new people. Next time, I will work on my skills at meeting and conversing with the other side!
Dancing was freestyle and lines. I wore a fringy dress, white and tan lined patterned chiffon cut on the bias, Mallorca pearls, carved ivory earrings, Aunt Mary's Japanese bracelet, and one of my plaid patterned beaded bracelets. My sons looked very handsome in suits.
Hey, Jake, where did you get the suit? "In my closet."
Cha Cha Slide came up and I followed directions.
I knew the Cupid Shuffle, which seems to have replaced the Electric Slide.
The groom led one with 4 elements that I just looked up, "The Wobble"
Jump forward and wobble (knees bent) 4 beats, Jump back and wobble 4 beats
Arms up to the left x 4, then to the right x 4
Rock step cha cha cha, left then right
Back up to the new wall left 8 beats.
Three boys ages 3, 6 and 12 shone. Our bride, a terrific African dancer, was too busy. The beautiful bridesmaid, African goddess, hardly danced. The bride's sister, LA back-up singer, looked good, but didn't grab the spotlight.  The groomsman Juan Romero was the one I would love to have in a swing class.
I forgot to bring earplugs, so left before the DJ finished. Ann's husband was ready to go quickly anyway.

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