Monday, December 10, 2007

An excellent bunch

Every month, it seems to me that the perfect amount of people came to my Conservatory dance.
It's such a big room, there's always space. If more people come, we get to practice our skills in avoiding bumping. This time, I got students I hadn't seen in a year, and they were still good.
With smaller crowd, I get more time to see everyone.
If teenagers come, we're all happy to see the beautiful young faces, and the regulars don't mind that I spend all my time helping them.
The only time the numbers were wrong was Hurricane Noel, the last minute cancellation.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I feel sorry that you get so few comments on the blog. It needs some comments from time to time so here goes.

Your are right, Saturday night was a lot of fun with new and old faces. Even the line dance would line was fun if I could only improve my memory. But what happened to the ONE promised Xmas song? I am looking forward to January already.