Saturday, August 21, 2010

Great Show

If you like modern dance, the Choreography Project was great fun. I had never heard of Butoh, a 50s Japanese school of movement, so there was an education - not my favorite pieces, but both were short enough.
Studio 868 out of Chatham collaborates with Cape Cod Dance Center and has some college dance majors there for the summer. I loved "Moon and Stars" choreographed by a young man to the music I immediately bought this morning, "Christofori's Dream". That studio also contributed an elaborate "Toast" with charming rolling benches and rolling table for a dance transcription of a family feast. They had videotaped the evening and groupings changed with the rhythms of actual interactions, edited of course, down to about ten minutes.
Eveline's modern dance class must be great fun. "Ruby" allowed seven women, dressed in black, structured improvisation with as much drama as they pleased. Her ballet class danced to hip-hop music.

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