Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Books, books, books

Secretly, I am an English Major, so I made time for the Falmouth Library book sale.
I was late, in fact, they were packing up and any book left was free, so I filled a cloth grocery bag with 27 selections, 14 novels, several travel books, a French/English dictionary (back to Montreal?), a bit of natural history and memoir, etc.
The dance books, plant books and the children's books were already in a truck labeled "".
The Brain, the Body, and Sport
seemed promising, but was mostly about ayurvedic body types and Transcendental Meditation breathing.
The cowboy sketches included dancing, I thought, but it was just Our Hero at a bar edging in on a girl for a mating preliminary slow dance.
Good thing I didn't pay for those.
I will support the library with money another day.

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