Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cold Florida

44 degrees here. It's 34 in Falmouth.
Oh Well.
Gold Coast Ballroom in Coconut Grove was great fun for me. I got to do an old fashioned hustle that worked beautifully.
Here in Stuart, we visited old favorites: The Ramada where the other good dancers were from Minnesota, and the Copacabana with a Latin DJ and not much of a turn out on a cold night, so the dance floor was easier and the old guy, originally from Jamaica took me through a couple of salsas. Sunday featured a concert in the park.
Last night, a disappointing Mardi Gras. Crawdaddy's used to have Blues bands, but they seem to have sold out with suggestion questionnaires on the tables, a band called Solid Gold, and a dance space full of bouncing people. You have to be happy for them. But really, the night of Mardi Gras should have a Jazz band that plays past 10:30!

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