Friday, February 5, 2010

Easy homework

My 24 year old son took my class this summer and then had a suggestion for me.
First beginner class should get homework, so I made up this sheet.
1) LISTEN TO THE BEAT: Listen to music and pick out the first beat of every measure. Most music is 4 beats to a measure, except waltz which is 3 beats to a measure.
(Ask me about a CD with dance music, labeled as to the appropriate style of dance. )
INVITATION TO DANCE: His L hand and R arm offered. She walks into place. He closes right hand on back as she finds her place.
ONE-STEP: (Slowest music) Replacing the “Huggie Hug”, this first dance calls for rock steps with his left foot and her right foot. Add a travel step, walking easily.
SWING: (blues, rock ‘n’ roll, or 40’s Big Band) This classic dance begins in an open two-hand hold. Triple steps from side to side are counted “one and two, three and four”, followed by “rock step” (back, replace forward) for both, “five, six.” Can be done single steps to the side, using 2 beats of music (counted as “Slow”) with the same rock step, “five, six.”
POSTURE: Dance classes are about looking good, and the single thing that will make you look better is good posture. Take a deep breath as you lift your rib cage and your back, shoulders down and neck supporting the head. Avoid tension in the shoulders with a shoulder roll.

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