Thursday, March 11, 2010

Paola & Laura at the Conservatory

I gave free entrance to my tutored students from Falmouth High School, both "immigrants" though Laura is a citizen, being from Puerto Rico.
Brazilian Paola loves to dance and learned several steps. I followed her lead in Forro, a triple step on the toes, done in a close hold with plenty of rib cage movement. I think the Cubans refer to that as La Cintura or the waist, which kind of makes sense except that the waist seems to move only in reaction to the two major sections of the body it connects.
Laura doesn't think she can dance, but tried anyway, did well, and had fun.
Next month, if they pay, they can bring guests. Could be Estaban from Columbia, who claims he doesn't dance, and Kaio who is cute but very shy.

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