Saturday, September 21, 2013

DWTS started with no publicity to speak of

No ad on facebook. My DVR automatically recorded it for me, and when I went to put SYTYCD on DVD for my teacher, there it was.
They have downscaled this year. Only one night a week with elimination after they dance.
The "Celbriquarium" was "converted to Condos", said Tom, meaning they sold more tickets to the live show?
Also, perhaps in a bid to make more money, they seemed to have "bleacher seats", a group of women watching on TV? Brooke (icky hair style) interviewed two, and they were all for Mr. Craggy Face, Bill Nye, who got the lowest judge's scores, 5,4,5, or a total of 14. What a big face he has. I was told once many screen stars have relatively big faces. Dancers have the legs.
Another change - good one -  no post dance interview by Brooke. Those were consistently awkward and dumb. The scores come up right away and everyone in their little crowd sees them at once.
As for the dancing, Mark Ballas' contemporary was a pleasant surprise. I got the feeling his partner didn't trust him. The TV reviewer I read hates him. And yet it was the best contemporary routine with a lot of light and shade, as they say, beating Val & Elizabeth and Corbin & Karina in my book.
Heart strings pulled for Valerie Harper with brain cancer. I weep easily, like Carrie Ann.
Once again Derek trained/presented his partner best, a young woman I never heard of, from GLEE, Amber.
Another one I liked was the Blue Collar comedian, not a young man, who showed plenty of room for improvement. The best comedian yet. They have such a hard time taking dance seriously.
Snooki, Brant, football guy, Ozzy Osbournes' son and one more.

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