Monday, September 30, 2013

Paso Doble at CCDC, the admittedly biased review

The dance invented for partnering by a Frenchman, Pierre, to celebrate the Spanish bullfight and Flamenco influence, is great fun. The man stands as straight as a bullfighter, and the woman gets to sweep about like a cape.
If you have to prepare for a competition, which is the only place you actually see it danced, maybe it would be nerve racking, but for our purpose, playing with a Spanish attitude to good music, yes!
We did Marche = French for march, chasse = French for side steps, sur place = French for in place, Separation = French for separation, Ending for Separation, and the Cape.
I will play "Espana Cani" at the Mary French Dance and see how many people stand up.
Thanks Ron!

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