Sunday, September 22, 2013

NBRDW 2013

The evening's preparations were bothersome. I turned on my video camera in the morning to check and it was funky, needed to be charged - so I thought! Then when it was charged and it was 4:00, my little speech written, flyers printed for the October 19 dance, etc., it really didn't work, no matter how many times I turned it off and on. "No access to hard drive."
I went to Staples to buy a new one. No hard drives, just memory chips. I almost went to Wal Mart, but the salesman was helpful and I took a $99 one. Mistake, I'm afraid. When I saw the little patent leather case they had designed, I got the feeling it might be just a toy. I managed to get the battery charged before the dance. I managed to attach it to the tripod and record. The zoom is jumpy.
Finally, filming and my speech over, so I managed to enjoy part of the evening.

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