Friday, March 7, 2014

Staying well

In this season of cold and colds, my best preventative is washing my hands before and after dance class.
I've given up on that silly Purell which does nothing for viruses.
Sometimes, even when the only one I danced with was my husband, I automatically wash my hands.
Still, he gets colds when I don't. I get colds when he doesn't.
My feeling is maintaining my energy level is the best way to stay healthy.
Anyway, when he went to Florida last week, he gets to keeps his activity high. I kind of let go and came down with sniffles. Now I have to be extra vigilant with hand washing not to get other people sick!
Interestingly, in the same vein as the energy level theory, my symptoms disappear when I am happily engaged with the music and energy of dancing.
But driving to Christine Harvey's lesson in Yarmouth was out of the question.

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