Friday, June 12, 2015

Trying the Quickstep again - more notes!

Quickstep Basic into a lock step
Throughout: work on brush and passing feet
LEFT SIDE LEAD precedes any right turn
Shoulders parallel to the wall

Opening step: Left foot Toe/heel side and slightly forward allows a start on his left foot. Figures begin with his right foot
Basic: Quarter Turns - sideways movement done facing the wall, SQQS his RLLR
Quarter Turn Right
Right foot forward, heel lead, slow. Side together= quick, quick on the toes LR. Side and slightly back toe/heel Left foot
Quarter Turn left – Right foot back, S, side together QQ, side and slightly fwd S
Progressive Chasse: Same as Quarter Turn left, but ends with a position that allows his right foot outside partner

The class asked for lock step.
SQQS  Lock step begins with the R foot outside partner S
Q his L foot diagonally forward
Q his right foot slides behind his left foot. Her left foot slides in front of her right foot.
S his L foot side

Next step R foot fwd again outside partner for a right turning figure SQQ or SQQS

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