Thursday, October 22, 2015

Charleston etc. for the big dance

All my classes are getting Charleston, the line dance and the swing step, Lindy Styling too.
We will be ready to let the dance to match any Twenties costume people decide to wear.
As Bobby Medieros, (Mary French's dance buddy) once said, "Let's work on what's inside the clothes!"
Personally, I'm thinking I'm hostess more than party goer and might minimize the fringe.
My chance to go all out is Halloween, an undersea theme for Cotuit Center for the Arts costumes required party. If I go as seaweed, there's a chance to overdo fringe.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Exciting News

The Cape teachers are all coming on board for the upcoming gala, and the fun news is that Adam from Chatham, Adam Spencer, Englishman now working at Studio 868, previously with Fred Astaire Plymouth, will perform. I am waiting for details such as which dance and which partner. He has a number of ladies he is competing with at the Commonwealth Classic on November 7!

Students are asking to learning the Charleston. We can at least do the Charleston Line Dance.
Mixers? Must ask Ron.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Networking means talking it up.
Flyers are a good conversation starter, so the new flyer is ready, decorated in gold to reflect the black, white and gold theme.
A spot of hot pink here and there looks good, and almost Roaring Twenties since Elsa Schiaparelli brought shocking pink into the fashion world in the thirties.
Talking includes email, chatting up the other teachers on Cape Cod.
And I guess it means Facebook, so here I go into FB.

Friday, October 16, 2015


Writing the blog is to inspire me to do more for the gala dance I am running in November.
Yesterday, I wrote a bunch of email requests for silent auction donations. Good response from my fellow dance teachers.
But then I picked up a book. Florence Gordon was so readable I just got caught.
Luckily, I got a call, and my student suggested it was too beautiful a day to be inside.
I dug the garden up to prepare for my winter cover crop, annual rye.
Taking weeds to the chickens, I remembered the honey mushrooms growing on the old oak stump. Last week we got 5 pounds, so I checked. Another 5 pounds is there.
Wednesday was harvest time for cranberries. The hardy kiwi need attention before it rains again!
I'll lace flyers downtown on my way to being docent for the Historical Society.
I just have too much fun!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Roaring Twenties Dance November 14! post from 10/12

The dance I spend the most time on is coming up again after a year off. The Mary French Scholarship Fundraiser Dance, too long a title, hereby shortened to Mary French Dance, will be at Betsy's Ballroom, and we have had committee meetings already.
 Dawn loves the decoration aspect and chose a brilliant theme, Roaring Twenties,  to go with Ron Gursky's showcase, a period piece combining Charleston and Society Foxtrot with touches of Quickstep.
We made props for the photo booth. We discussed period snacks - oysters, anyone? My flyer is ready to copy and hang up around town.
I took time off while visiting my mother in Stockbridge this past week. The Harvest Festival there has an accessories tent, so I bought a feather boa, the green color is not part of the stated theme: black, white and gold. Maybe I should have bought the gold ball gown I saw instead, but it would have taken a ton of work to make it fit.
No Casual Dance for November, I need to concentrate on the Gala!

Watching people grow 10/7/ post, just discovered

Watching people grow is what teachers love. Working with people for years as I do, I get to see the progression of their dancing. Some take years to get comfortable on the dance floor, and they came last night, ready to play.
I have one brand new student progressing very quickly. If she sticks with it, she could go far.
Another new lady didn't look like she wanted to work at it. Sometimes it's a partner who will keep a person going, and that was a new partnership.
The ones I have known for the longest are my best partners, starting with Joe, of course, since we've been married for 42 years and dancing together in hold since 1987. Another is very creative. I have a favorite to lead, and I have students who remember steps better than I do.
All a joy, and last night was a great First Saturday.

working away

An easy way to do an activity for the Mary French Dance is to blog about it every day.
Writing is how I organize my thoughts and activities - witness all the notes I make and give to my dance students.
Saturday, I bought the feathered boa at the harvest festival in Stockbridge.
Sunday I did all apple picking and pressing into cider until I was exhausted, then came home.
Yesterday, I made flyers and distributed them in night school.
So far today, I updated my website. Now to research silent auction donations.