Friday, October 16, 2015


Writing the blog is to inspire me to do more for the gala dance I am running in November.
Yesterday, I wrote a bunch of email requests for silent auction donations. Good response from my fellow dance teachers.
But then I picked up a book. Florence Gordon was so readable I just got caught.
Luckily, I got a call, and my student suggested it was too beautiful a day to be inside.
I dug the garden up to prepare for my winter cover crop, annual rye.
Taking weeds to the chickens, I remembered the honey mushrooms growing on the old oak stump. Last week we got 5 pounds, so I checked. Another 5 pounds is there.
Wednesday was harvest time for cranberries. The hardy kiwi need attention before it rains again!
I'll lace flyers downtown on my way to being docent for the Historical Society.
I just have too much fun!

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