Friday, April 13, 2012

Alcohol, a powerful drug

So I clicked on a facebook link "existential French cat" and got to MSNBC where you could see that a bit of alcohol can improve concentration
Also * Alcohol more dangerous than heroin, cocaine, study finds
Also * Daily drink or two cuts healthy men's heart attack risk
To the subject at hand:
"We can just imagine Budweiser's top brass high-fiving each other upon hearing that drinking alcohol before a test might improve your score (no, you're not sloshed, you read that right). In a study of 40 men, University of Illinois researchers found that subjects who downed two pints of beer before a quiz fared better than their sober counterparts. And not just a little better - the drinkers solved 40 percent more brain teasers than the teetotalers, and solved them faster. We're not advocating getting hammered before the LSATs, but if you've got a breathalyzer handy, the study says that the optimum blood alcohol level for enhanced "creative problem solving" is 0.07."
I believe from my observation years ago before dance lessons, that's about what it would take, three drinks before my husband would dance, and the Blood/Alcohol chart says that's .006, depending on your weight.

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