Saturday, April 14, 2012

DanceSport Boston Seacrest

Wonderful floor at the Seacrest last night, Anne Marie Paul hired Bill Cameron's beauty from Connecticut. Nice music, plenty of room. We locals were half the crowd. Most of the Dance Camp people will be coming for the workshops tomorrow and the next day. Another dance there tonight, a $20 formal affair, or try out the new chef's dinner for a flat $50 on top for $70 pp. Hum... not gonna try to talk Joe into that. I lost my voice last week. It would be gone again!
The floor covers Ballroom I and II with tonight's dinner dance connected to the beautifully redesigned dining room that overlooks Old Silver Beach. Nauset Center, downstairs, is not being used. This is a much smaller crowd than the West Coast competition weekend that used to be held at the old Seacrest.
Meanwhile, I got the lowdown on the Salsa/Swing dance that was to be held tonight, but canceled. We were completely confused about that. Apparently, they have a bunch of salesmen going out to get conventions booked at the hotel in the off season. A Health and Beauty Conference was planned to include the fun event that would have been open to the public as well, but it never got off the ground. Just as well because two dances at the same time same location was weird.

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