Sunday, April 14, 2013


In social dancing, there's the relative size of the partnered dancers, their skill, their comfort, their wish to show off, all expressed in terms of each other and the music. What have I left out?
Beyond the dancing with each other, there are levels of dance events, expressed with costumes and venues, producing showcases, competitions and Dancing with the Stars.
Sometimes I think about my grandaughter, age 4 1/2, who doesn't get much TV at all, and whether DWTS is what I want her to try to be like. Her mother, a modern dancer, will not be enrolling her in ballroom classes with the private lessons and the costumes, though she would be very good.
Then I look at a video on MTV, with extreme sexual posturing, taken into the mainstream with Beyonce at the Superbowl, and wonder where she will end up.
Right now she gets into her pink leotard and has me be the audience while she does her improvisation to her favorite song of the day. We found "Push My Car" on the CarTalk CD, a rocking tune about a car that breaks down. I am the "audience". If her brother, age 1 1/2, comes into the room chortling about a balloon, I must not be distracted from her. Another experience of a dance going on for too long. 90 seconds, people!

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