Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Another season nears its close SYTYCD

And my DVR was not cooperating, though it claimed to be.
So I went online.The recap was satisfying. Snarky, of course, but Jason R as a judge deserves criticism, ''Pervy McBlankeyes."
I watched the top routines as chosen by Michael Slezak on Youtube without even having to fast forward past the judges and the commercials.
I always love Alex Wong, and the Alzheimer's theme for his dance with the good little actress, Jaja, was sure to touch my heart.
I was hoping we would get an African American woman to win. I thought with the extra street dancers, we would get more of a chance, but those lovely ladies are already gone. My choice now is Gaby, whose strong features that appeal more to me than the prettier faces.
Minimal Ballroom, a casualty of the Stage/Street format was another disappointment for me. I like to see that choreography stretched. Contemporary was maybe overrepresented, as gestures seemed to be repeated, for instance, the embrace with arms outstretched rather than developing into a hold.

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