Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013

The choices for today:
1) North Providence Monthly West Coast Swing Dance Party with national champion Arjay, a very nice guy - teaching 2 workshops first that Joe vetoed.  The dance doesn't start until 9 PM.
I need to get in touch with WCS showcase dancers for the dance in October. We can go to the studio promotion Tuesday for cheap, outdoors in Providence, visit the grandson who will be 2 on Friday. Hopefully, the rain/thunderstorm pattern will not lock in again.
2) Lestyn Gilmore at Occasions in Raynham - nice place I've never seen 40 minutes away.
3) Johnny Hoy at Cranberries in Pocasset, their first anniversary party 8-11 PM Good food, too.
4) Bruins 2nd game of finals, Joe doesn't have to watch the whole game. He can get updates on his phone.

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