Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Semi final

Well, the Vague Chance of Recording AKA VCR did its merry best again, leaving me without the end of the show. I know it was my fault. I wanted to keep a bit of the old show because Jennie was so beautiful in her Rumba, but that was too far into the tape. so I had to wait to watch the end of the show until ABC.com got it loaded onto the website. I watched another beautiful performance from Jennie, just before she was eliminated. Marie is better after all her study, but I still would not choose to watch her. On the results show, I was looking forward to seeing Sabrina & Mark again, but did not love all the lifts they indulged in. Lifts are not my favorite.
Our recent fortune cookie said "Humans invented language so they would be able to complain."

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