Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hopelessly Out of It

The other night the show I watched was called "Top 25 Dancers of all Time." I missed 25 to 13, but 12 was Alvin Ailey. Then there were some I hadn't heard of. Savion Glover got #7, below Beyonce and Janet Jackson. They went back to Vaudeville for the Nicolas Brothers. Number 2 was Michael Jackson. Number 1 was James Brown. Needless to say, it was Black Entertainment Television, but I think Alvin Ailey and Savion Glover, serious professional dancers, deserve to be higher up than the entertainers. Talented though they are, their dances consist of some good tricks and a limited repertoire optimized by good choreography. Plus, don't forget the annoying jumpy camera work that would cover up and cut out any missteps.

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