Saturday, February 9, 2008

Rock 'n' Soul Dinner Dance

I wasn't sure about the Audible Local Ledger's Charity Dinner/Dance with the Moonlighters at the Sons of Italy (La Sala Grande). I had seen the band at a much smaller place, the Courtyard, and left early. Too loud, not enough room to move, all just freestyle.
But I know the A.L.Ledger is supported by a good community, and my Friday dance class wanted a field trip. I figured they were ready to practice in a place where they wouldn't feel like they had to do steps. Swing would work, and then, after a drink or two, they could just bop around.
As it turned out, my advanced class came, too, and snuck in cha cha and mambo when the songs weren't too strongly swing. They were an inspiration to the beginners.
Sometimes the key to enjoyment lies in not expecting too much.

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