Saturday, November 2, 2013


The president of Cape Cod Ballroom Dancers called Thursday. Paul Lavalee who was to teach West Coast Swing at Betsy last night, hurt his knee.
Substitute teacher to the rescue.
A good showing - it seems to be a popular dance.
I went for steps this time. I prefer technique, but these Friday night sessions are more try it out and see if it works. I suppose that's one way to approach technique, circle around it with steps that work best if you have the skill and hope the style appears.
I found a new-to-me West Coast Swing syllabus - 2010, done by Skippy Blair, so I started with her first steps, a starter that could be universal and therefore very useful at Jack and Jill competitions.
I also liked her breakdown of the walking whip which I learned from Allan Gaskell at Dance Teachers Club of Boston. He followed it with a West Coast version of promenade swivels. Good choreography, especially since the swivel steps are popular but hard to lead. I wish I could have spent a few more minutes making them look better.
 Some people knew the figure already, a common occurance with such a mixed group, but it seemed to be a good choice as far as difficulty.

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