Wednesday, October 9, 2013

just as well, the DWTS review from 10/7/13

I didn't want to watch Valerie Harper dance any more, and she was fine with leaving - her time in the spotlight over for now - though the brain tumor seemes to be in remission, so who knows?
The teachers are doing a good job as usual, with Derek managing to get a stellar performance out of Amber who had fluid drained from her knee!
Snooki was also sick, but just a cold, it seems. You wonder how they can seem perfectly fine at show time? even steroids and anithistamines don't work that well. Maybe she was just hung over? I want them to give her the song, "Tiny Dancer."
Cheryl also brought out the best in her partner. I would have scored him higher.
Karina is so high strung, you have to wonder what she would be like to work with. Her best partner was that wounded veteran. Corbin Blue (Cordeon Bleu is a cooking school in Paris) looked great.
Elizabeth bugs me - something about those eyes, and then she made Val stare into them as part of rehearsal. They danced very well - 9s.
I still love Tony, and Leah is charming - she just doesn't put a lot of oomph in her dancing.
Peta is pushing that young man, but he is damaged goods with several old injuries doing him in.
Mark and Christina next - well the old narcissist in Mark gets totally called by his old partner, guest judge, Julianne, "When you dance with Mark, sometimes you have to stand in front of hgim to get noticed" Christina maybe knows that, and could be why she didn't do well in hold, if she doesn't really like him.
Thanks Julianne, great job judging!

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